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Management Procurement

Best practice procurement to define, procure, manage, monitor and measure community impact.

A starting point is to understand that government and service providers, collaborating through a management contract, can be change makers that positively impact communities health and wellbeing.

We understand that our clients may have financial challenges and we provide pragmatic and strategic frameworks to align with agreed outcomes, to reduce risk and drive success.

The Australian Business of Excellence Framework is adopted to ensure business aspects of managing centres and services are considered. We integrate industry specific requirements into this framework.

Martin Sheppard has been involved in a significant number of Council Contracts in the UK and across Australia, advising local governments, managing a wide variety of contracts from open space, to community leisure facilities to arts, tourism and sports development. He embraces challenges and utilises the latest management approaches to align community outcomes through a pragmatic approach to contract procurement compliance and partnership development.

How We Service Management Procurement

Service Reviews

A smart, systematic review of the key aspects of every contract is critical to being able to understand the current approach against good practice and industry benchmarks. The outcomes include clear priorities aimed at impacting the service, reducing risk and alignment with strategic outcomes of government.

Developing outcome focused specification around the Australian Business Excellence Framework en-sures the service can be defined against service delivery; management of the service; and impact of the service.
Ensuring a systems approach is evident to the management, monitoring and measuring of service con-tract performance.