National Sports Convention 2020 Hold the Date

Next year’s National Sports Convention (NSC) is confirmed to be in Melbourne Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15th July at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. NSC2021 will be in Sydney, subject to securing a venue.

The focus for NSC2020 will be on:

Activating More Australians

The NSC, in conjunction with Sport Australia and our Foundation Partners; Sport New Zealand, Victoria State Government and VicHealth are excited to be working with our industry peak bodies and collaborators to make the NSC2020 even more successful.

We are committed to bring together all levels of government, with leaders, planners, policy makers and providers from health, sport, fitness and the education sectors to share knowledge, develop collaborations and explore options on how as an industry we can collectively achieve Sport 2030.

NSC 2020 – A More Active Australia

Our Vision

To collectively create a more active nation, where people in our communities live longer, have healthier lives, reduce the burdens of disease and are more connected with their communities.

Our Mission

Our commitment is to:

  • Provide global to local learnings that inspire and guide our “systems thinking” around planning, policy making, resourcing and provision
  • Create opportunities for the health, play, recreation, fitness, education, government and sport sectors to collectively show-case successful approaches that encourage communities to be more active while creating future opportunities
  • Connect peak bodies and industry sectors in a manner that encourages a collective approach to addressing trends and priorities
  • Create industry tools and information that allows delegates to take knowledge and resources to the workplace to increase their ability to collectively make a difference, and create a more active nation, and provide greater opportunities for people to play, recreate and participate in community sport
  • Explore 2-3 questions that the industry face and create innovative solutions through a collective industry response

The NSC Delegate polls and feedback from the collaborators have allowed us to identify key aspects that the industry would like to see in 2020. This Discussion Paper aims to encourage feedback to confirm these priorities and allow the organisers to firm up the program for NSC2020.

Key Priorities

The key priorities identified from the polls and feedback to address at NSC2020 included:

1. Collective approach to policy, planning and funding – Exploring how Sport Australia, State and Territory governments and local government can strategically agree to a whole of industry approach

2019 attendees are keen to appreciate how agencies can work together, potentially a national strategy and framework on physical activity that is adopted by all levels of government and the broad sectors of health, education, play sport and community development to prevent the current overlap. NSC2020 will seek exemplary practices from organisations on how best to have an integrated systems approach, internationally and across Australia.

  • Inclusive approach with education, health, fitness and government to encourage physical activity, play, recreation and participation in community sport
  • Understand how to write strategies and policies to work closer together
  • Identify what funding and resourcing mechanisms should be considered to develop a more holistic approach?

2. Creative Active Environments

  • The importance of urban design in developing active communities (proactively and retrospectively)
  • The importance of all levels of government collectively funding developments, infrastructure and local programs (e.g. walking paths, cycle ways, fitness in parks, parkrun paths etc.)
  • Development of locally based community leisure facilities with a focus on health and wellbeing, moving away from larger regional facilities
  • Use of synthetic surface technology to complement natural turf in clusters from stadiums/centres of excellence to multi-sport fields to multi-use games courts
  • Active Parks – Exploring local needs for playgrounds and activity area where children and adults can be active
  • Explore standards and design ratios for future needs in urban planning and design

3. Creative Active Communities

  • Sport Australia’s key communication campaigns and how that all levels of government across the industry a joint alignment can create greater traction in encouraging people to move, play, recreate and participate in community sport
  • Embrace greater academic research and provide a platform for the industry to influence future academic research
  • Explore global benchmark approaches to activating local communities
  • The NSC is confirming relationships with current Australian, New Zealand and Asian peak body collaborators to continue to share global and local knowledge. Local collaborators are committing to NSC2020 from the education, play and fitness sectors. Additional collaborators will continue to be sought.

4. Encourage More Active Australians

Increased focus on play, fitness, recreation by non-sport club providers who could activate the broader community and specific target groups into a coordinated game plan aligned to the Sport Plan 2030 to collectively increase participation by 15% by 2030. Programs, events and activities to increase mass activation of the local community will also be explored. Key target groups that could feature at NSC2020 include:

  • Children (5-12 year old’s) and youth – in school, through play and in local communities
  • Women and girls
  • Indigenous and people from non-English speaking backgrounds
  • People with disability
  • Mental health in community
  • Older people

5. Support and Strengthen an Active Industry

  • Planning and policy frameworks that can encourage an integrated systems approach
  • Exploring of the latest management information and data insight systems from government, peak bodies, academia and the commercial sector
  • Providing options to support local clubs and community organisations be sustainable in the provision of greater physical activity opportunities
  • Embrace the health, education and commercial sectors to create greater opportunities
  • How to integrate the physical activity sector with the community sport sector
  • Develop opportunities for sports development (Coach development, athlete development, volunteer growth and facility development) in the conference so that sport can plan for the future
  • Alignment of skills and capacity building for the sector to develop workforce capability

To keep up to date with all NSC news subscribe to the NSC Newsletter here.


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