Sport Australia – aiming for a fitter, healthier and more active Australia

Sport Australia is really picking up the pace in commitment to a systems approach for Australia to be the world’s most active, healthy nation known for its integrity and excellence. This is similar to the World Health Organisation’s Global Action Plan for Physical Activity 2018-2030, which is worth considering for future planning.

In October it produced its AusPlay report Older Australians Participation in Sport and Physical Activity in addition to its annual comparisons on the previous year which can also be seen as data tables for each state.

A recent Sport Australia Forum that has been touring the capital cities provided an open and honest reflection by Sport Australia as to what they are committed to facilitating. The refreshing transparency was greeted positively from a very broad section of the industry, including peak bodies for fitness, health, play, education, local government and community sport.

The next 12-18 months could be the most crucial opportunity our generation has ever had and as one participant said in Melbourne “this country is in a dire state in terms of inactivity, we all need to leave our egos at the door and collectively address this.” If we can do this, then maybe by 2030 Australia may just be the worlds most active and healthy nation.


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